Surviving Horror
Despite the clever conceit for its blind protagonist, this 3D horror adventure stumbles in key story and gameplay areas.
Little Nightmares
More stealth-survival than puzzle-platformer, this intensely creepy side-scroller is sure to feed your horror craving.
Alice's Lullaby: Episode 1
This horror series debut has grand ambitions, but its flawed survival-based gameplay may not fully resonate with adventure gamers.
Until Dawn
The teen slasher formula is brought to life (and grisly death) in this gripping choice-driven, multi-path PS4 exclusive.
Lucius II: The Prophecy
More murder sim than adventure, the sequel is condemned by shoddy programming and hellish design decisions.
White Night
Where it fits along genre lines isn't black and white, but this stylish haunted house survival thriller has terrifying atmosphere to burn.
Neverending Nightmares
As Gorey as it is gory, this pen-and-ink adventure is a psychological horror lover's dream, though you won't lose any sleep over its gameplay.
Lone Survivor
Life-and-death choices abound in this chilling retro indie that blends adventure and survival horror action.