Adventure game features page 6
Following Freeware: August 2017 releases
It never rains but it pours, with another month's flood of high priority new adventures from the freeware scene.
A Look at Graphics: Establishing the Scene
Ben explains how an introductory shot can make a powerful first impression in setting the stage for the action to come.
Gamescom 2017 round-up: Part 2
Not to be forgotten, we ducked in to observe plenty more adventures calling to us in Cologne.
Gamescom 2017 round-up: Part 1
We braved the hectic, inner world of gamescom, encountering adventures both expected and unforeseen.
A Sierra Retrospective: Part 3 - From Atari to the Magic Kingdom
Let's travel back to the early '80s, when Disney's partnership with Sierra was a bit of a Mickey Mouse operation.
Following Freeware: July 2017 releases
We've unearthed some closely guarded golden treasures in this month's round-up of free indie adventures.
A Look at Graphics: Other Dimensions
Next stop: the Twilight Zone, as Ben explains how art can transport players to the outer limits of imagination at just a glance.
Following Freeware: June 2017 releases
Hang on for the ride, as we've jammed a whole lot of adventuring goodness into this month's round-up of top free indies.
A Look at Graphics: Details in the Distance
Ben takes a closer look at backgrounds far away, revealing their subtle but important contributions to adventures.
A Sierra Retrospective: Part 2 - Composing a Quest
From speaker beeps to MIDI modules to digital orchestras, Sierra's acclaimed music makers always knew the score.
Following Freeware: April/May 2017 releases
We covered every square inch of the freeware adventure scene for two months to spot these hidden treasures.
A Look at Graphics: Character Design in Silhouette
An outline alone can tell us much about a character (or not), and Ben explores how it's done in pixel form.
A Look at Graphics: Framing an Interactive Painting
Picture frames aren't just for walls, as Ben explains their importance in games to direct player focus.
A Sierra Retrospective: Part 1 - The Pioneers of Adventure
Our new ongoing feature gets underway, pulling back the first curtain on the genre's most influential company from the golden era.
Following Freeware: March 2017 releases
We've sniffed around the indie adventure scene in our dogged pursuit to find a little something for every one of you.