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Adventure game scene… uh, game (continued)
17 June 2012 04:06 PM #46
Jabod and J-Boo@ Sorry, it’s not Black Dahlia or the Darkfall
zobraks - 17 June 2012 01:07 PMSweetDalilah - 17 June 2012 10:34 AMhow about I post another one?
Great idea.
That second screenshot looks like something taken from Last Half of Darkness: Tomb of Zojir.
zobraks, you’re very, very close
Everything you need to know about me has already been told.
18 June 2012 12:43 AM #47
Those snakes are a big clue. But I’d feel bad from snatching victory from the jaws of zobraks with venomous intent, and slithering away with the bounty.
18 June 2012 01:26 AM #48
Oscar - 18 June 2012 12:43 AMI’d feel bad from snatching victory from the jaws of zobraks
Just go ahead, Oscar. I’ll (probably) guess your screenshot anyway.
I went to war to get a little peace.
Gummo Marx
18 June 2012 02:21 AM #49
Oscar - 18 June 2012 12:43 AMThose snakes are a big clue. But I’d feel bad from snatching victory from the jaws of zobraks with venomous intent, and slithering away with the bounty.
You see, I was actually reading the review of this game, when I saw Oscar’s name down in the comments. So I was just wondering if Oscar would show up ( since you played the game after all ) and here you are indeed!
Oh and don’t worry about snatching the victory from zobraks! He guesses all the time, not to mention that he snatched victory from me (and many others, I’m sure) nomerous times (he quite enjoys doing it )
Everything you need to know about me has already been told.
18 June 2012 02:53 AM #50
Oh, very well then! You’re very kind
Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon
Next one:
18 June 2012 05:13 AM #52
Oscar - 18 June 2012 02:53 AMOh, very well then! You’re very kind
Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon
That is correct, of course!
And your screen looks like Hugo III: Jungle of Doom.
Everything you need to know about me has already been told.
18 June 2012 05:16 AM #53
Shany - 18 June 2012 05:10 AMMaybe Hugo 3?
18 June 2012 06:19 AM #54
Hey, that’s my all-time-favo(u)rite Hugo 3 (Jungle of Something)!
Rats! Too late.
I went to war to get a little peace.
Gummo Marx
18 June 2012 07:46 AM #55
I didn’t know it was your favourite zobraks. It’s one of mine too
Although I never did solve Hugo 2: Whodunit. That is one tough and unforgiving game.
18 June 2012 12:36 PM #56
Oscar - 18 June 2012 07:46 AMI didn’t know it was your favourite zobraks. It’s one of mine too
I must disappoint you (once again), Oscar: stands for “just kidding” or “not really”.
I went to war to get a little peace.
Gummo Marx
19 June 2012 10:22 AM #57
19 June 2012 10:38 AM #58
Gemini Rue?
I went to war to get a little peace.
Gummo Marx
19 June 2012 11:03 AM #59
Yep. I’ve been playing this game on and off after buying it in the Bundle-in-a-Box. It’s not really my style, too grey and dystopian. I like Sci-fi, and I like Film Noir, bur together they aren’t working for me so far.
20 June 2012 08:32 AM #60
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