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Syberia original box release question


Total Posts: 118

Joined 2019-02-12


Did this ever get released in English anywhere in the world, in a standard ‘big box’, or was it only a mini-box, just a little larger than the jewel case?


Live your wildest dreams;
Take a leap, or climb, run or fly.
You may fall;
But anything is better than falling .. standing still.


Total Posts: 859

Joined 2017-12-19


At least you can find a big box with English language all over it on eBay, but whether it was originally released in an English-speaking country or not, I can’t tell.

If you are looking for a historically correct answer, I have no idea.
But if you are asking if you can find a big box to your collection, then yes.

Although what you mean by “original” is the key question, I guess. Localised boxes aren’t strictly speaking original, as they have different publisher logos, different age limit markings, and such.


Total Posts: 118

Joined 2019-02-12


Thanks Gatekeeper. The boxes on ebay are what we called mini-boxes.
By original standalone I mean not in a compilation. That’s all. Big box means Sierra or Legend size boxes. The Longest Journey, for example, was first released as ‘big box’ as standard. Followed by a DVD release.


Live your wildest dreams;
Take a leap, or climb, run or fly.
You may fall;
But anything is better than falling .. standing still.


Total Posts: 118

Joined 2019-02-12


Solved, thankyou all who read..👍🤠


Live your wildest dreams;
Take a leap, or climb, run or fly.
You may fall;
But anything is better than falling .. standing still.

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