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How do I get the shovel in The Excavation of Hob’s Barrow
I’ve looked online, but all I could find were playthroughs. I don’t want to watch through the stuff I’ve already played just to see where I get the shovel. If I skip to the part where I need the shovel, it shows the main character as already having it.
Somehow there’s no written walkthrough anywhere.
Rather to my embarrassment I got stuck getting the elderflowers from the seller at the market and looked for a walkthrough. Like yourself I won’t use YouTube ones as you never know quite what you’ll learn that you don’t want trying to find the bit that you need. However I did find a written walkthrough that uses incremental steps for the game which can be found here:
It’s actually a really good site for “gentle” hints and could be a useful resource for many that do get stuck on games.
Life is what it is.
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