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Grim Fandango
Long time since I played it last time. I really enjoyed it, and probably my second favourite adventure game of all-time.
Look behind you, a Three-Headed Monkey!
The Journey Down. 10.
Ok, a ten is a bit of an inflated score, since it’s only the first chapter of the game, but isn’t inflating what scores are for? I really like the game anyway.
You can play my game Frasse and the Peas of Kejick for free! (AG review here.)
A Stroke Of Fate: Operation Valkyrie
~ Flight Of The Amazon Queen ~ Best Adventure ever!
The Journey Down. 7, probably. I had a nice evening playing it. I didn’t laugh as often as I had expected, but it had its moments. Looked and sounded gorgeous, though the NPCs were mostly disappointing (both in terms of looks and voice acting).
The last two games:
Gray Matter, 8
Memento Mori, 5.5 (couldn’t decide between 5 or 6, LOL)
Currently Playing: The Testament of Sherlock Holmes;
Currently Re-Playing: Culpa Innata
Recently Finished: Secret Files: Puritas Cordis, Art of Murder: Hunt for the Puppeteer, Dear Esther
Max Payne, Max Payne 2 and DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX was the last game I finished. Easily a 9, it’s the best Zelda game I’ve played (the original on the NES and A Link to the Past).
In the adventure genre it was Botanicula. It wasn’t as good as Machinarium or Samorost, so it only gets a 9.
Out of ten, of course. That is the scale you’ve all been using, right?
Treasure Adventure Game - a freeware platform action/adventure heavily inspired by Cave Story. It is also a one-man production full of cute pixel-art and retro gameplay. There are many nice touches, like day/night cycles, weather changes, treasure hunting, etc. Although the storyline and gameworld are not as gripping as in Cave Story, and boss fights might be very frustrating.
I give the game 8.5/10
Donkey Kong (3DS E-shop). Classic ‘94 GameBoy game which offers a mix of platform and puzzles. Very fun enemies, fast progression, exciting boss battles. Easy to recommend.
Run you pigeons, it’s Robert Frost!
Heavy Rain. Intriguing story, interesting characters, gorgeous graphics. I played the final part a couple of times to get different endings, but I don’t have the patience to get them all (watched a few more on YouTube ) I’m looking forward to Quantic Dreams’ next title (also loved Farenheit/Indigo Prophecy!) 10/10
The Whispered World
Pros: Beautiful graphics, long and intriguing story, varied and challenging puzzles, good voice acting.
Cons: A little bit on the hard side (unlogical puzzles), voice of main character takes a LONG time getting used to.
Score: 7.5/10
I just finished Max Payne 3 and thought it was all kinds of awesome, probably the best thing Rockstar’s done after Red Dead Redemption. (Subjective, I know, but that’s how I see it. ) It sort of played like a really dark, gritty Uncharted—immersive story with damn fine action set pieces. All kinds of violent and most definitely brutal, so might not be for every one. Max is a screw up for the ages but you can’t help but hope it all turns out for the guy. The soundtrack is incredible too. Remedy should be proud, Max Payne’s in good hands!
Right or wrong, weak or strong.
Just finished replaying Full Throttle. Short but sweet, except for the horrible car crashing minigame. God, it’s just so awful - even back when I originally played the game it was awful.
Score: 9/10
The last game I really finished was a really long game too. The Witcher. Finished it a few months ago. I’m currently playing its sequel.
Last weekend I finished Sanitarium 6.5
Great game but I experienced frequent crashes and game-stopping bugs which made it a chore to go through. Also put down some points because of a predictable storyline, but I really enjoyed the unique way it was presented.
Currently playing: Starcraft II
Recently finished: Resonance, Tex Murphy: Pandora Directive, Diablo 3
Treasure Adventure Game - a freeware platform action/adventure heavily inspired by Cave Story. It is also a one-man production full of cute pixel-art and retro gameplay. There are many nice touches, like day/night cycles, weather changes, treasure hunting, etc. Although the storyline and gameworld are not as gripping as in Cave Story, and boss fights might be very frustrating.
I give the game 8.5/10
Ah, I was wondering about that since it’s free in GOG. Never played Cave story, but maybe I should try this out, then…
Anyway, I can’t even remember what I’ve finished last Oh wait, it must’ve been Beyond Good & Evil HD. Great game, I bought the HD even though I had the original too. I guess I’d give it a 8,5 or something along those lines
Can’t wait for BG&E 2
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