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2023 Aggie Awards - Readers Choice


Total Posts: 5777

Joined 2012-03-24


I can’t believe that the last year has passed so quickly!

I see that there has been 269 games released during that time, many that I’ve missed due to RL situations.

My dilemma is that as I’ve only managed to play 5 games to conclusion (although I have another 2 in progress) is it fair to vote for anything? 


Total Posts: 5010

Joined 2004-07-12


I don’t think it’s possible to play more that 10% of the games. Even then, it would require playing, let alone buying, a game every other week for an entire year. (Assuming you could find 26 games that you thought were worth playing.)

So I think it’s more than fair to vote your seven games.


For whom the games toll,
they toll for thee.


Total Posts: 859

Joined 2017-12-19


chrissie - 30 January 2024 02:17 PM

My dilemma is that as I’ve only managed to play 5 games to conclusion (although I have another 2 in progress) is it fair to vote for anything?

I think no one who is going to vote has played all those games, so I guess it’s OK.

On the other hand, you may have played plenty of adventure games that were released last year, but for whatever reason are not in the voting. Such as Afterdream, The Gray Man, OU, Jorel’s Brother and The Most Important Game of the Galaxy, James Peris 2, Iron Sky: A Lunar Adventure, etc. etc. or some other random game from 2023.

It’s possible that you have played a new game every week, but just chosen the ones that weren’t included for some reason in the Aggie voting.

So if you have actually played some that are in the voting, I see no harm in actually voting, as long as you think they would deserve the first place in whatever category it is that you are voting.


Total Posts: 259

Joined 2014-12-25


Don’t sweat it. A lot of those are platformers, survival horror, and other action games. These days they let everything in that has more than one puzzle.


Total Posts: 5777

Joined 2012-03-24


Thanks all for your thoughts!  Thumbs Up I have gone ahead & voted in some of the categories.


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