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Murder on station 52 demo


Total Posts: 1553

Joined 2015-07-01


I tried a new demo for a game called Murder on station 52 because it combines two of my favorite genres a murder mystery and sci-fi. The demo is very short but I did like the direction it was heading. It actually had a couple of puzzles even though they were on the very easy side, but if he can expand the design idea there is potential here. You basically play a mechanic who travels to a new space station to do repairs, so the fact that there are puzzle boxes makes sense in the game world. While the art style is not my exact cup of tea, it is still interesting looking and the voice acting while not superb is also not bad. I actually really enjoyed the main character’s voice. The dialogue is gritty, kind of like a film nor but with a Sci-Fi twist. The same thing with the music. The music is film Noir meets James Bond, i really like it. The game could use a lot more animations because it’s one of those where you take something from the inventory or pick up an object and it disappears with no animation. this is made by one man team, But since I don’t grade on a curve the animation should be a lot better for a retail game. Anyways it took me about 20 minutes to beat, and here is the link for anybody else that wants to try it.



Total Posts: 4

Joined 2024-02-07


Sounds like a cool demo!


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