Dry Drowning
Dry Drowning is an investigative thriller-oriented visual novel set in the futuristic dystopian universe of Nova Polemos. A shady socio-political situation dragging everything down to the abyss, a serial killer drawing strength from this darkness, a tormented detective and his assistant craving for redemption. Dry Drowning challenges the player to find the truth, going through ambiguous characters, riddles, clues and unexpected events, while telling an extremely compelling and mature story.
Walkthrough for Dry Drowning
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What our readers think of Dry Drowning
Posted by Hristovski on Aug 30, 2019
Visual cyberpunk noir novel
Firstly, I expected a short game, but it surprised me nicely. After completing this game, (it has multiple endings) I'm under the impression like I've read a really good cyberpunk noir novel, in which I chose the ending. This is one of the rare 2-3 games...
Adventure Games by Studio V
Game Information
Platform | PC, Switch |
Perspective | Mixed |
Control | Point-and-click |
Gameplay | Investigative |
Genre | Science Fiction |
Theme | Psychological |
Graphic Style | Illustrated realism |
Presentation | Slideshow |
Action (Compulsory) | - |
Red Flags | - |
Media | Internet download |